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 On-Site Computer Services

Virus & Spyware Removal

Computer held hostage by an intruder? Don't panic. First, we'll seek out and remove those unwanted guests, while saving all of your personal data. Then, we'll implement various safeguards to help prevent future infections. If only it were that easy to get rid of in-laws.

Windows Error/Freezing Repair

Constantly frustrated by Windows errors not letting you do what you need to? Getting blue screens and random freezing or automatic reboots? Whatever the cause of the issue, we'll uncover it and get your PC working properly again. We love fixing the issues that others hate.

Booting Issue Repair

Definitely the most dreaded computer problem possible. For you, but not for us. We revive computers that are unable to boot all the time, and we have a very high rate of success doing so. Take a deep breath, give us a call, and we'll handle the rest. We promise.

Hardware Repair/Installation

Whether you just need a printer installed, more RAM to speed up your computer, a new hard drive to give you more space to store your files, or a major piece of hardware such as a motherboard to replace one that failed, we've got you covered.

Windows Installation/Recovery

Have a new hard drive or simply upgrading to a newer version of Windows? Just have the disk ready and we'll take care of the rest. Don't have a copy of Windows? We'll help you get a copy, install it for you, and customize your computer just the way you like it.

Slow Computer Tune-Up

Can you cook a full 7 course meal before your computer even finishes booting up? Got a bunch of junk cluttering up your hard drive? Before you trash your slow computer for a new one, let us rejuvenate it. You'll be amazed at how fast it runs when we're finished.

Internet Connection Issues

Feeling cutoff from the rest of the world? Don't worry, we understand how it feels. We've all been without the internet at one time or another, and felt lost without it also! Luckily, we've got a remedy to get you feeling connected again to the rest of the world!

Data Backup

If you're like the rest of us, you have half of your life stored on your computer. Hard drives crash all the time, but you can be ahead of the game with a backup plan. Protect your priceless family photos or important documents before something happens and it's too late.

Data Recovery

Accidentally deleted important files? Hard drive crashed without a backup? Not all hope is lost. Getting back deleted data may seem like magic to you, but it's not all smoke and mirrors; we do it all the time. Let us amaze you and recover your information as if nothing ever happened.